I give Wilson Dental, Inc., Patrick R. Wilson, D.M.D., permission to take intraoral photographs of my teeth and
surrounding gum tissue and facial tissue. I give Wilson Dental, Inc., Patrick R. Wilson, D.M.D., permission to
share/ use these photographs to share with staff and consulting doctors. I also give Wilson Dental, Inc., Patrick R.
Wilson, D.M.D., permission to use these photographs on social media such as Wilson Dental, Inc. website, Facebook,
Instagram, etc. I understand that at anytime I can request to have these photographs removed from social media and
Wilson Dental, Inc., Patrick R. Wilson, D.M.D., will remove them. I also understand that one will not hold Wilson
Dental, Inc., Patrick R. Wilson, D.M.D., at fault for my photographs on Facebook being shared by other people for
which Wilson Dental, Inc., Patrick R. Wilson, D.M.D. cannot be deemed responsible, nor can they remove them once
shared. Lastly, I understand that Wilson Dental, Inc., Patrick R. Wilson, D.M.D., has my best interest in mind and
wants me to be proud and happy of my new smile.